Time of Placement Stabilization Program

Foster Change has EXCITING news to share!

We are launching our new Placement Assistance Program!

What: When a family has a child placed into their home, they can fill out this very quick form to request a $50 virtual gift card for each child placed. (You will need to submit a separate form for each child.)

Why: We know that those first days can be hard, supplying each precious child with the items they need and we want to help ease those out of pocket expenses.

How: Fill out this form for each new placement, have your email and placement confirmed, and then receive your virtual gift cards in your email!

Questions you may have:

*Can I submit for a child that was placed over 30 days ago? Answer – no

*Can I submit for a child that was placed with me in the last 30 days ? Answer – If the placement letter is dated within 30 days of your submission, yes!

*If a child I have received a gift card for leaves my home and moves to another foster home, can their new home submit for the same child? Answer – yes

*Can I share this with licensed families who are not associated with Foster Change? Answer – yes!

*Can families in other counties apply for this? Answer – yes, this is for ALL of Nevada!

*If I have any more questions, who may I contact? Answer – cindy@cindy

Click here to access form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfqJ2_TDN1Y4wmE_bKtoqjGmYvFuY9ZLBZfPgy2DCe3ktfWVQ/viewform?fbclid=IwAR1Rdd6CHOwDTjuOk79arZ2CIyph6RZmDHpFqPBX8dhYNZqhGpS916yexLw