This past Friday, Foster Change was invited to be the guest speaker at the Spring Dinner for foster and adoptive parents, hosted by Foster Connect and Fostering Life. Every organization that serves on the Foster Change Board of Directors was represented and served on a “panel of experts” to share with those in attendance! A lot of wonderful information was shared, missions were explained and a few laughs were had!
Thank you to : Morgan Couchman – from Fostering Hope, Jessica Roe – from Raise The Future, Megan Dobrinski – from Foster Connect, Vickie Wilson – from CASA Las Vegas and to Dr. Ali Caliendo – from Foster Kinship, and to Cindy Tarrant, from Foster Change, who served as the MC to the panel.
A special thank you to Allen Slaughter and Canyon Ridge Church for hosting us and feeding us so well, and to Katie Duff, Celah Hunsicker and Megan Dobrinski, the team from Foster Connect.